In Love


Most men/women are totally satisfied with their performances in the bedroom (FALSE!) If you ask their mates, you may get a response that’s hard to handle, (they are even worse than they thought!)

Sex, the word is easy to say, but sex the action requires some skill. Most of us desire to be better lovers, but we don’t know the secret, or how to go about discovering the secret of great lovemaking. By taking this sex test, you, your mate, and/or your marriage will have an opportunity to become better in bed than you’ve ever imagined.

Sex starts with a simple dose of you knowing yourself, and then you knowing a little bit more about the person you’re trying to please. The number one failure in the bedroom is bad communication. People aren’t talking to each other, yet, wondering why they’re walking away from the bedroom shrugging their shoulders, asking themselves, “Where did I go wrong?”


There is no wrong in the bedroom, but there is a lot of just not knowing. And I’m hoping to help you get better. If you dare, take this test, then send it to your last five lovers and ask them to rank you. And if they’re ranking for you is as good as you say you are, your final score will reflect it.

The scoring system, you will be asked a series of questions, and each question will have a value ranging from 1-5. 1 being the lowest and five the highest. The highest possible score you can obtain is “69.” You will be given 13 questions worth 5 points each and one bonus question worth 4 POINTS, for a possible perfect total of 69 points. Once you’ve answered all the questions and tallied your score, you will then send it to your mate, husband, wife, girlfriend, lover, etc. for them to give approval/disapproval of your score.

Bragging rights? The more people you get to agree with your self-evaluation, the more points you obtain, the more points you obtain the closer you get to being a self-certified sex-instructor.

As a self-certified sex-instructor, you will be able to teach your friends what they don’t know. If you haven’t thought about how you rank on these things in the bedroom, it’s time to get busy. Self-reflection is how we improve in all areas. So start being a better lover, today.

Use this scale for grading your quiz:

Absolute truth –      5 points

Mostly True –          4 points

Somewhat true-     3 points

Not very true  –       2 points

Completely False – 1 point




1. I’m a great lover?

2. I say/do all the right things in the bedroom?

3. I guarantee an orgasm for my mate every time.

4. They always come back for more?

5. I am the best he/she has ever had?

6. I am a great kisser?

7. I am great with foreplay?

8. I can go several rounds in one night?

9. I am great with performing oral?

10. I am great with sensing her/his needs (very attentive?)

11. Afterward, he/she brags about my performance.

12. My body is perfect?

13. I know how to set the mood?

Bonus: My name is shouted loudly several times during sex?

Point total __________

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